In the pursuit of cultivating sustainable communities, Rosana Empowerment Foundation (REF) recognizes the pivotal role of local governments in fortifying resilient food systems in Nigeria. This guide serves as an exhaustive resource for local policymakers, providing valuable insights and strategic approaches to enhance food system resilience. Amid escalating global challenges, including conflicts and climatic stressors, the urgency for robust local food systems in Nigeria becomes increasingly imperative. REF is committed to empowering local governments, offering a roadmap to anticipate, prevent, absorb, adapt, and transform their food systems, ensuring sustainable outcomes for the nation.

Understanding Food System Resilience:
Define the concept of food system resilience, underlining its pertinence to local communities and livelihoods in the Nigerian context.
Assessment and Analysis:
Equip local governments with tools to assess the current state of Nigeria’s food systems, identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats unique to the region.
Anticipation Strategies:
Provide tailored guidance on implementing early warning systems and risk assessments, allowing local governments to anticipate potential shocks and stressors specific to Nigeria.
Prevention Measures:
Outline policies and interventions designed to mitigate risks, focusing on sustainable agricultural practices, disaster preparedness, and crisis prevention aligned with Nigeria’s diverse landscape.
Absorption Mechanisms:
Detail the development of social safety nets, strategic food reserves, and other mechanisms tailored to the Nigerian context, aiding the food system in absorbing shocks and ensuring access during crises.
Adaptation Techniques:
Offer strategies specific to Nigeria for fostering flexibility in agricultural practices and promoting adaptive technologies to ensure sustained productivity in the face of changing conditions.
Transformation Initiatives:
Suggest culturally relevant ways for local governments to facilitate transformative changes, promoting innovations, diversification, and sustainable practices aligned with Nigeria’s long-term challenges.
Assessing Food System Capacities:
Introduce frameworks tailored for evaluating the resilience of local food systems in Nigeria, with a focus on resource accessibility, diversity in food sources, adaptive governance, and technological innovation suitable for the region.
Community and Household Resilience:
Emphasize the interconnectedness of food systems with broader resilience factors in the Nigerian context, including economic resilience, social cohesion, and environmental sustainability.
Environmental Sustainability in Food Systems:
Encourage local governments to align Nigeria’s food system practices with environmental sustainability, minimizing ecological footprints for long-term viability in the region.

As Nigerian local governments navigate the intricate web of global and local challenges, this planning guide equips them with a tailored, multidimensional approach to building resilient food systems. By prioritizing anticipation, prevention, absorption, adaptation, and transformation, local governments can fortify Nigerian communities against unforeseen challenges. REF firmly believes that robust frameworks for assessing capacities, coupled with an understanding of the interplay between food systems and broader resilience factors, provide a concrete roadmap for building sustainable, equitable futures. In collaboration with REF, Nigerian local governments can embark on a collective responsibility to transform their food systems, ensuring a more resilient and prosperous nation.
Food System Resilience, Nigeria, Planning Guide, Local Governments, Rosana Empowerment Foundation (REF), Sustainable Communities, Global Challenges, Anticipation Strategies, Adaptation Techniques, Environmental Sustainability, Transformative Changes, Economic Resilience